Join me at LitCrawl 2012!

I’ll be reading from Silk from Ashes, a story about the women in Dubrovnik who, after enduring bombing, siege and starvation, were able to transmute the ashes of war into a source of dignity and independence — with a little help from 11,640 insect eggs hidden in...

Presentation on Collaboration

At “Creative Collaboration” Suzie and I will discuss what we’ve learned as collaborators, including the benefits of collaboration, tips for success, online resources, legal considerations and partnership agreements, how to choose a collaborator, and much more.

Author Reading Saturday, June 9th

I dared to taste-test “luwak coffee” (brewed from the excrement of a small mammal) on a recent trip to Bali, and lived to write about it. Come to the book launch party on June 9th and hear about the adventure!

San Francisco Waterfront at the Ferry Building

I’ll be speaking about the best ways to organize travel information for a mobile application — and the best ways to enjoy San Francisco’s waterfront. Joining me will be historian Daniel Bacon, author of Walking San Francisco on the Barbary Coast Trail.

App Happy Class

Want to find out why millions of Americans are excited about mobile apps? In the “App Happy” class you’ll learn how to develop, launch, and market your own mobile travel application. Taught by the co-developers of the San Francisco Waterfront app, Suzie...

Smithsonian Channel Shows Frog Photo

The Smithsonian Channel will show a half-hour segment called Smithsonian Spotlight: Picture Perfect, in which photo judges discuss what makes a good photo, and use my “Hidden Frog” photo as one of several examples. Here’s how they describe the...