Elizabeth Gilbert’s Literary Cookbook

Love Elizabeth Gilbert? Read on to discover the recipe you can prepare using a piece of Daddy’s discarded shirt, the old-fashioned secret to making orange marmalade, and what Gilbert is working on now.

What Eve Ensler Knows

Eve Ensler changed my life. She did it in fifteen minutes, from halfway around the world …

Roz Savage Breaks Another World Record

Adventurer and environmentalist Roz Savage is the first woman to row across three oceans. Even more impressive, she did it solo, in a 23-foot rowboat, without a support vessel. “I have battled twenty-foot waves, sleep deprivation, and self-doubt, but I have never been happier,”  Roz says.

Caroline Kennedy: She Walks in Beauty

Caroline Kennedy feels like a childhood friend. I grew up seeing her image on TV and in Life magazine articles. She was a White House princess, and, like many of my classmates, I wanted to be her…

Dead Love: The App-Happy Zombie

Love the un-dead? Find out about popular zombie mobile applications, plus exclusive tips for zombie hunting along San Francisco’s waterfront.

Tim Cahill Comes Home

Tim Cahill has dined with the headhunting Karowai in Irian Jaya and tracked down Colombian guerillas who are inclined to kidnap Americans. He has written books with titles like Jaguars Ripped My Flesh and A Wolverine is Eating My Leg. What is the “real” life of this professional adventurer like? I wanted to find out.