JaneGoodallSeeds-of-Hope-cover-212x300“In the early days, the chimps ran away every time they saw me—they had never seen a white ape before.”
—Jane Goodall 

Dr. Jane Goodall, who in her twenties left the comforts of her home in England to live in Africa and study wild animals, was one of my childhood heroes. I leapt at the opportunity to hear her speak about her new book, Seeds of Hope: Wisdom and Wonder from the World of Plants.

Goodall discovered that non-human animals make and use tools, which forced scientists to redefine the relationship between humans and other animals. And she has become a preeminent and persuasive force for improving animal welfare around the world.

So I was surprised to hear Goodall lending her impassioned voice to the cause of saving plants, and further, that she did not advocate the widely-accepted adage to “think globally; act locally.”

Read the rest of my article here.